It’s common knowledge that there is a strong link between our emotions and the foods that we eat. If you’ve had a bonding experience over some pizza with a friend, that emotion sticks every time you grab a slice.
Medical research shows that good food can light up endorphin receptors—the pleasure centers of the brain—in the same way that other, more after dinner activities can. Then again, that’s no surprise: it is pizza after all.
Turkey and milk both have high amounts of the compound tryptophan, a chemical that can make us drowsy. That’s why we crash after a big Thanksgiving dinner and why your mother prescribed a glass of warm milk when you couldn’t sleep.
But what if the foods we ate could stimulate us and impact us in much more primal ways?
Take notes guys, the following (surprising) foods should definitely be on the date night plate if you want your woman to be in the mood.
Of course it helps if you’ve taken her to a nice restaurant and complimented her but there’s no denying it: these foods will get her in the mood.
10. Dark Chocolate
While milk chocolate is sugary and heavy on the calories, the higher cacao content in dark chocolate encourages the release of endorphins. This reaction can mimic the feelings of euphoria that people who are in love feel.
Just because you’re a grown-up now doesn’t mean you can have chocolate for dinner though; it might be better off as a rich dessert before things get serious. Check out the famous Mexican dish mole poblano for a main course that has chocolate in it if you want to skip dessert.
9. Garlic
While garlic is often a date night no-no, it increases circulation due in part to the naturally occurring compound allicin. Garlic has long been associated with circulatory health and of course with terribly potent bad breath. It might be a good idea to keep some breath mints on hand when the two of you go out for Italian.
8. Watermelon
Watermelon is a great food for couples. There’s nothing like the sweet and messy experience that is taking a big bite out of a watermelon slice with the one you love. The experience doesn’t stop at the table. Watermelon is high in the amino acid L-citrulline which coupled with the watermelon’s sugar increases blood flow and circulation to the sex organs of both genders.
7. Salmon
Salmon, like other oily fish, is high in omega-3 fatty acid. In addition to improving heart health and increasing circulation your body will respond to positively with an increased sexual appetite. Pair a fillet with garlic bread and that’s a one-two punch!
6. Oysters
This one might not be so surprising. You’ve probably heard time and time again that oysters are a natural aphrodisiac. The reason however is not as commonly known. Oysters are high in zinc, a mineral that promotes the production of testosterone in both (yes both) men and women. Increase testosterone production means increased sex drive. Just make sure that your partner doesn’t have a shellfish allergy.
5. Lemon Water
This one surprised me.
I had always heard that a glass of lemon water can release stress but that’s not all it can do. Lemon water stimulates our liver which in turn promotes the production of all kinds of different hormones. Once your liver is up and running your stress levels decrease and so do your levels of anxiety. Say goodbye to postponing the after-date-night activities because of a headache.
4. Goji Berries
You may have heard of the recently popular super fruit goji berries as a dietary additive for an extra dose of antioxidants in your diet. For thousands of years Chinese healers have prescribed goji berries to protect the liver. Go figure; I never would have thought that the liver was the seat of sexual attraction. Goji berries also improve circulation and you guessed it, libido.
3. Spicy Foods
By now you should have realized that if you want a shortcut to get into the mood, improving circulation is key. Spicy food does just that and additionally it can increase the feelings of satiety or your feeling of fullness. That means less time at the table and more time…you get the idea.
2. Sushi
Just like oysters many types of the fish found in sushi are high in zinc. Zinc improves sexual hormone production and it can really increase sexual appetite. Plus, sushi is fun to eat as a couple and is often consumed in small amounts meaning that once the zinc starts to do its thing the plates will be cleared and you can get the check.
1. Maca Powder

This one you won’t find in everyday dishes.
It is a dietary supplement that comes from South America made from the crushed up root of the maca plant. Just a spoonful will increase energy levels and clarity—it will also supercharge your libido. Both men and women have benefitted from the attraction-enhancing benefits of maca root powder for (no joke) hundreds of years. The first recorded use dates back to the ancient Inca of Peru.
Modern pleasure seekers can find it in the supplement aisle in convenient pill form.