If you’ve been paying attention to the music industry for the past 20-30 years, then you definitely the name Axl Rose. The famed lead singer of Guns N’ Roses was once a serious heartthrob, and women all over the world would’ve fought for his attention. Unfortunately, just like anyone else, Mr. Rose’s looks couldn’t stay forever, so it’s no wonder at all that he opted to get plastic surgery.

Axl Rose Plastic Surgery before and after
The rock ‘n roll world is all about good looking, young, and rebellious men and women who break all the rules. While it seems like men are given a bit more slack when it comes to their looks, if you want to stay relevant in the music world, getting old just isn’t an option. But what happened with Axl Rose? And was it a success?
Analyzing Axl Rose’s Plastic Surgery
If you look at pictures of Axl before and after surgery, it’s impossible not to see the difference. To a trained eye, it looks a lot like Axl Rose has undergone a sampling of almost every kind of facial cosmetic surgery available to him…and that the results are less than pleasing.
Instead of taking his plastic surgery journey one step at a time, Mr. Rose decided to go in for all of it. When you first look at him now, you’ll see that his cheeks look fuller and higher than they did when he was younger. This is likely evidence of cheek implants, though it could also be explained by dermal fillers.
If you look at Rose’s mouth, you’ll note that his lips look a bit fuller than they did when he was younger. Most notably, his lower lip’s plumpness seems to extend past the lip itself, which is an indicator of lip injections. You may also note, as you continue to look at his face, that his eyebrows are higher and that he has an almost perpetual “surprised” look on his face these days. This is a telltale sign that he’s had a facelift to fight sagging skin and wrinkles.
Rose can still move his face and make different facial expressions, which may make you think that he has opted against Botox. However, you may notice that his expressions are a bit subdued. These days, Botox injections will generally only partially paralyze facial muscles to help erase expression lines, so it’s not quite as obvious when someone has had these injections. However, the distinct lack of lines and wrinkles around his mouth, nose, and eyes would indicate that he’s had Botox and/or dermal filler injections to get smoother looking skin.
All in all, the consensus is that Axl Rose has definitely had a lot of work done, but it hasn’t restored his youthful good looks. Instead, he looks like a different person entirely. Some experts have suggested that it might have been better if the rock star had taken his plastic surgery process one step at a time to see how each procedure would look before continuing.